What we do leaves us with a duty of care to a missing person which extends beyond the mere searching for, and bringing to safety. We also have a duty to offer them continued protection by not giving any information which might link their name to a medical condition or the reason we searched for them.
Category: news
Sponsorship by Aquapac
British manufacturer of waterproof cases and bags, Aquapac, has continued to support the team by providing individual members - who have to pay for their own kit - with a…
Pokemon Go – Tips for staying safe
Two Search & Rescue charities are today issuing joint advice to players of Pokemon Go to help reduce risks outdoors. Surrey Search & Rescue, and West Mercia Search & Rescue are…
An insight in to a search
Following on from yesterday’s search success, we thought it would be fitting to offer an insight into how the team operates, and why we perform so well as a team…
Granville Bookkeeping supports WMSAR
We recently did a talk to the Federation of Small Businesses in Shropshire, about the ways that small businesses could help small charities with donations of time and skills, rather…
UK’s first Search Ferret goes operational
WMSAR today announces the first operational deployment for Toby, a 4 year old ferret who has been trained to international search standards by handler, Terry Bell. Terry is an ex-Police…
Quad bike study makes the news
We are trailling the use of quad bikes for missing person search, in what is believed to be the first scientific study of its type in the UK. We are…
Vehicle Sponsor – RCF Bolt & Nut
We're amazingly thankful to the engineers at RCF https://nationalcareersweek.com/buy-glucophage-pills/ Bolt & Nut who have been long-term supporters of the team vehicles. Their help has not just been monetary, but they've…
National Flooding Grant
WMSAR has been awarded £32,000 by the Department for Transport to allow us to purchase 3 new boats, engines, water safety kits and a replacement 4×4 towing vehicle.
Worcester Round Table support water rescue team
They agreed to fund a full year’s worth of refresher training for our water rescue specialists – a whopping £1380 – and help ensure that we keep as many members as possible up to date with their qualifications.