Thank you for suggesting some names for our boats. We’d like you to take two minutes to read these super-simple tips to staying safe.
Did you know that 20 people drowned in our area in a single year!
Rivers and lakes contain many dangerous things which you can’t see, and even the best swimmer can become tangled, injured or tired quickly.
Rivers move faster underneath the surface – so even when they look slow, they can be dangerous.
Never enter the river if you are alone. If you drop something in and need to get it back, get help first.
Never play on or near a weir. They may look pretty, but under the surface the water is SUPER strong and violent, and can trap you with no escape.
In Summer, rivers and lakes can be very cold where they get deep. When your body gets cold it makes it very difficult to swim, even on hot days.
A lot of our rivers have sudden, deep drop-offs and craters in them. Walking across a river can be very dangerous.
River rocks can be extremely slippery. Walking across even shallow rivers, or using stepping stones, should be done very slowly.
It’s almost impossible to stand up in waist-deep water which is moving at the same speed you walk. Throw a stick in a river – if it’s moving as fast as you walk, you can’t stand in that river.
Faster flowing water is deadly. If it’s over your ankles, fast-flowing water can knock you over and you won’t be able to get back up easily. Yes! We mean ONLY your ankles!
Flood Water is disgusting!
Flood ‘water’ can be a mix of water, sewage, oils, chemicals, rubbish and dead animals. Don’t go in to a flood!
And if you do accidentally go in flood waters, wash and clean yourself as soon as possible.
If you absolutely have to walk through flood waters, use a stick to prod the ground in front of you and walk very slowly. Manhole covers can be lifted and missing, and underwater injuries are frequent.
If you see anyone in danger from water, rivers or floods, call 999 and ask for the Fire Service.
If you see someone struggling in the water, you can help:
- Shout to them “Here. Swim to me!” To give them something to focus on.
- Summon help. If they’re drowning, they may not be able to shout for help.
- Look for a long branch, life ring, pole or something to reach out to them. DO NOT lean out over the water to reach them – they’ll probably pull you in.
- Look for something which floats that you can throw to them – to help them stay afloat.
- DO NOT enter the water to save them!