Mates on the beer


The National Crime Agency has been working with researchers from Kingston University and discovered some very alarming statistics about British men, and the danger they face after having a few drinks.

Since 2010, researchers have found 97 cases where guys have been found dead when they didn’t make it home from a night out.

The darker winter months of December, January and February account for over half of all those cases, and a staggering 89% of ALL deaths were due to water.

5 men were reported missing and found dead after a work Christmas party, and another 5 were found dead after New Years Eve celebrations.

And amazingly, the majority of these incidents happen in busy urban centres, very close to the last place they had a drink.

In our beautiful area of the world we are lucky to have some great riverside venues like Shrewsbury, Hereford, Worcester, but this means an increased risk after drinking.

We think it’s incredibly important for mates to look out for each other after drinking. So please spread the word, and share our images.

  • Plan a route home which doesn’t go near rivers or lakes
  • Make sure your friends don’t decide to ‘take a short cut’
  • Call the police for anyone very drunk on or near the water’s edge
  • Maybe get a taxi for a mate who lives near the water
  • Remember, drunk people can’t swim!

You can read more about the research here.